After the launch of Sora I got really interested in the idea of makeing my own AI based app. That idea led to me taking a YouTube University crash course on python, neural networks, large language models and a myriad of terms that I was loosely familiar with.

My background is in cyber security and Active Directory administration and I was shocked to find out there wasn’t a step by step guide to for someone who wanted to download a model and build an app with it. At least not one that was easy enough for me to follow.

What I’ll be documenting

My goal is to document my learning journey as well as the steps necessary to launch a large language model. I’ll be posting links to any resources I’ve found as well as code snippets.

I’m using Jupyter notebooks to document everyhing to make things easy for every to follow along.

I’ll also be using this as an opportunity to explain as much code as possible so that non programmers can follow along.

Tools I’ll be using during this project

Blogging: Github

IDE: Visual Studio Code

Documentation: Jupyter Notebook

Cloud: Google Colab

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